Thursday, May 6, 2010

COMSOL Multiphysics v4.0 (x86/x64) Added Content & Fixed New Activation

COMSOL Multiphysics - a software package designed for finite element analysis in various fields of physics and engineering, including consideration of related (multifizichnyh) tasks. Among these disciplines - mechanical structures, heat transfer, chemical engineering (including taking into account the chemical kinetics), electrical engineering, acoustics, geophysics and related phenomena on a micro-optic and high-frequency effects. For the analysis within a particular discipline is a specialized module, and to calculate the related problems among all the modules is carried out effective cooperation. A unique feature of COMSOL Multiphysics is its ability to use the opportunity MATLAB. COMSOL Multiphysics provides an efficient exchange of data with popular products of geometric modeling (Autodesk, Inventor, SolidWorks, CATIA, Pro / E, NX, SolidEdge, etc.

COMSOL Multiphysics - modeling package, which solves the system of nonlinear differential equations in partial derivatives of the finite element method in one, two and three dimensions. It can meet the challenges of the field of electromagnetism, elasticity, fluid dynamics and gas dynamics. COMSOL also provides an opportunity to solve the problem as a mathematical formulation (in the form of equations) and physical (the choice of physical models, eg models of the diffusion process). Certainly, in any case will be solved system of equations, and the difference lies only in the possibility of using the physical system of units and physical terminology. The so-called physical mode, you can also use pre-defined equations for the majority of the phenomena taking place in science and technology, such as the transfer of heat and electricity, the theory of elasticity, diffusion, wave propagation and fluid flow.

Framework for modeling is greatly enhanced with a software module COMSOL Script, which, although usually integrated with COMSOL Multiphysics (included in standard delivery), but can also operate as a standalone package. COMSOL Script - a language interpreter, which includes more than 600 commands for numeric computations and visualization in the command line mode. It allows you to create different scripts (procedures, written in text format). Save the template, made in COMSOL Script, can be a special model file (M-file), the interface can be used from COMSOL Script. With scripting, users can perform interactive parametric studies and optimization, as well as modeling. Thus, the graphics capabilities of the program COMSOL Script set new standards for packages in this category, and special tools allow you to quickly create graphical user interfaces.

The COMSOL Multiphysics simulation environment facilitates all steps in the modeling process - defining your geometry, meshing, specifying your physics, solving, and then visualizing your results.
Model set-up is quick, thanks to a number of predefined physics interfaces for applications ranging from fluid flow and heat transfer to structural mechanics and electromagnetic analyses. Material properties, source terms and boundary conditions can all be arbitrary functions of the dependent variables. Predefined multiphysics-application templates solve many common problem types. You also have the option of choosing different physics and defining the interdependencies yourself. Or you can specify your own partial differential equations (PDEs) and link them with other equations and physics. COMSOL Multiphysics operates as the primary tool for all your future modeling needs. Its versatility, flexibility and usability can easily be extended with its add-on modules unlike any other FEA Software solution.

In addition, COMSOL Multiphysics can also interact with the software package MATLAB.
System requirements:
For 32-bit versions of Windows (Windows 2000 SP4 or higher, Windows XP SP2 or higher, Windows 2003 Server SP2 or higher, Windows Vista all editions):

Processor: Intel Pentium III or higher.
Random access memory (RAM): not less than 1 Gb.
Video card with 128 Mb of video memory that supports OpenGL 1.1 and above, or DirectX 8.0 and above.

For 64-bit versions of Windows (Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 and later, Windows 2003 Server x64 Edition SP2 and later, Windows 2003 Server SP2 or higher, Windows 2003 Compute Cluster Server SP1 and later, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows HPC Server 2008):

Processors: AMD with AMD64 or Intel with EM64T.
Random access memory (RAM): not less than 1 Gb.
Video card with 128 Mb of video memory.

AC / DC Module

The AC / DC Module sets the stage for modeling the performance of capacitors, inductors, motors, and microsensors. Although these devices are principally characterized by electromagnetics, they are also influenced by other types of physics. Thermal effects, for instance, can change electrical properties of materials, while electromechanical deflections and vibrations in generators need to be fully understood during any design process.

The capabilities of the AC / DC Module span electrostatics, magnetostatics, and electromagnetic quasi-statics with unlimited couplings to other physics.

When considering your electrical components as part of a larger system, the AC / DC Module provides an interface with SPICE circuit lists where you choose circuit elements for further 2D or 3D FEA modeling. Then you can take your analysis beyond the conventional by running a single simulation of a mixed system of lumped and high-fidelity models.

Acoustics Module

The Acoustics Module is a world-class solution to all your acoustics modeling needs. Easy-to-use application modes provide the tools to model acoustic wave propagation in air, water, other fluids-and even solids.

It is designed specifically for those who work in classical acoustics with devices that produce, measure, and utilize acoustic waves. Just a few application areas from the audio industry include speakers, microphones, and hearing aids, while those for noise control can address muffler design, sound barriers, and building acoustics.

The modeling of acoustics-structure interaction is easily done with the Acoustics Module. This capability is particularly attractive for appli-cations such as the design of sonar transducers in medical and non-destructive testing applications as well as those used for noise and vibration analyses.

This module also features a special interface for modeling aeroacoustics, which is especially useful for the control of aircraft engine noise. In addition, its general multiphysics ability enhances classical acoustics with further accuracy.

Batteries & Fuel Cells Module

The Batteries and Fuel Cells Module is a specilized tool designed to model all types of battery and fuel cell applications. The Module features tailored interfaces to study primary, secondary and tertiary current density distributions in electrochemical cells. The cell can contain solid or porous electrodes and the dilute or concentrated electrolytes. Additionally multiphysics couplings such as heat transfer, fluid flow and electrochemical reactions can be added through the multiphysics capabilities of COMSOL.

Chemical Engineering Module

Based on the classic work Transport Phenomena by Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot, the Chemical Engineering Module is the perfect tool for process-related modeling. It is specifically designed to easily couple transport phenomena-computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or mass and energy transport-to chemical reaction kinetics.

We have optimized the module for the modeling of reactors, filtration and separation units, heat exchangers, and other equipment common in the chemical industry. Other modeling interfaces account for electrochemical systems (such as fuel cells) and applications where electric fields influence transport, such as electrophoresis and electrokinetic flow.

The Chemical Engineering Module melds seamlessly with the power of COMSOL Multiphysics for multiphysics and equation-based modeling. This latter feature allows for the inclusion of arbitrary expressions, functions and source terms in the transport equations.

Earth Science Module

Ready-made interfaces make it easy to model single and coupled processes related to subsurface flow. The module is well suited for studies in oil and gas flow in porous media, the modeling of groundwater flow, and the spread of pollution through soil.

A variety of specialized interfaces are available for easy application of the Richards and Navier-Stokes equations, Darcy's law, and Brinkman's extension of Darcy's law. In addition, the module handles the transport and reaction of solutes as well as heat transport in porous media.

The Earth Science Module provides examples to demonstrate multiphysics modeling of geophysical and environmental problems with arbitrary couplings to other application modes in COMSOL Multiphysics ®, such as solid deformation and electromagnetics.

CFD Module

The CFD module is tailored for advanced flow simulations. Ready-to-use interfaces let you model laminar and turbulent flows in single or multiple phases. Functionality for treating coupled free and porous media flow, stirred vessels, and fluid structure interaction are also included.

The ready coupling of heat and mass transport to fluid flow enables modeling of a wide range of industrial applications such as heat exchangers, turbines, seperations units, and ventilation systems.

Together with COMSOL Multiphysics, the CFD Module takes flow simulations to a new level, allowing for arbitrary coupling to physics interfaces describing other physical phenomena, such as structural mechanics, electromagnetics, or even user defined transport equations. This allows for effortless modeling of any Multiphysics application involving fluid flow.

MEMS Module

The MEMS Module addresses design issues that arise in the micro-world. It models physical phenomena in resonators, actuators, and sensors, piezoelectric and plus microfluidic and small piezoelectric devices.

Most MEMS applications are multiphysics by their very nature and usually include electromagnetic-structural, thermal-structural, fluidstructure (FSI), or electromagnetic-fluid interactions. To this end, the MEMS Module provides equations and settings optimizedan easy to use environment for the single-and coupled physics modeling that these interactions may require.

The module includes analyses Analysis types including in the stationary, and transient, quasi-static, parametric domains as well as eigenfrequency, parametric, quasi-static and frequency-response analysescan be performed. An electric circuit simulation feature let you extract lumped parameter to connect MEMS models to SPICE netlist.

Structural Mechanics Module

The Structural Mechanics Module is dedicated to the analysis of components and subsystems where it is necessary to evaluate deformations under loads. It also contains special physics interfaces for the modeling of shells, beams and trusses.

Physics interfaces in this module solve stationary and dynamic models, including nonlinear problems, and let you perform eigenfrequency (ie modal), parametric, quasi-static and frequency-response analyses. 3D solid as well as 2D plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric analyses allow the specification of elastoplastic and hyperelastic material laws, large deformations, contact, piezoelectric analysis, and thermoelasticity.

The Structural Mechanics Module works in tandem with COMSOL Multiphysics and the other discipline-specific modules to couple structural analysis into any multiphysics phenomenon.

Reaction Engineering Module

The Reaction Engineering Module uses reaction formulas to create models of reacting systems. It solves the material and energy balances for such systems, including reaction kinetics, where the composition and temperature vary only with time.

For space-dependent models, the Reaction Engineering Module offers a direct synchronization to the Chemical Engineering Module, with which you create 2D and 3D models. Included in these models are kinetic expressions for the reacting system, which are automatically or manually defined in the Reaction Engineering Module. You also have access to a variety of thermodynamic and physical property data through the CHEMKIN file import feature, and the CAPE-OPEN interface.

Regardless of the system-whether drug-delivery to a nerve or a CVD reactor in the semiconductor industry-this suite of products gives you unparalleled power in formulating and solving reaction engineering models.

Plasma Module

Low temperature plasmas represent the amalgamation of fluid mechanics, reaction engineering, physical kinetics, heat transfer, mass transfer and electromagnetics. The Plasma Module is a specialized tool for modeling non-equilibrium discharges which occur in a wide range of engineering disciplines. There are specialized modeling interfaces for the most common types of plasma reactors including Inductively coupled plasmas (ICP), DC discharges, Wave heated discharges (Microwave plasmas) and Capacitively coupled plasmas (CCP).

Modeling the interaction between the plasma and an external circuit is an important part of understanding the overall characteristics of a discharge. The Plasma Module provides tools to add circuit elements directly to a 1D, 2D or 3D model, or import an existing SPICE netlist into the model. The plasma chemistry is specified either by loading in sets of collision cross sections from a file, or by adding reactions and species to the model builder. The complicated coupling between the different physics which constitute a plasma is automatically handled by the physics interfaces.

Heat Transfer Module

Problems involving any combination of conduction, convection, and radiation are solved easily with the Heat Transfer Module. It finds extensive use in systems that involve the generation and flow of heat in any form.

A variety of specialized modeling interfaces are available for different formulations and applications such as surface-to-surface radiation, non-isothermal flow, heat transfer in structures made of thin layers and shells, and heat transfer in biological tissue.

The Heat Transfer Module allows for arbitrary couplings to other application modes in COMSOL Multiphysics as well as other add on modules.

RF Module

Modeling in RF, microwave and optical engineering requires resolving the scale of the transmitting device while capturing effects many orders of magnitude greater. The RF Module offers you the tools to meet this challenge, including perfectly matched layers and the best solvers available.

As a result, you can easily model antennas, waveguides, microwave and optical components. The RF Module completes the modeling experience by providing advanced post-processing features such as S-parameter computation and far-field analysis.

Taken together with COMSOL's unsurpassed ability to couple to other physics, you have the industry's leading multiphysics solution for electromagnetic waves.

OS: Windows XP and Windows Vista / 7
Language: English

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