And here is the universal multiboot stick. The basis was taken option 2 GB (GreenFlash). Processed, updated, supplemented and in some places cut. Fleshka formatted FAT 32 system MS-DOS 7.1 (Version 7.10.1999). Installed boot Grub4Dos, as well as the huge amount of software. There is the executable file that installs the system to stick with the choice of the size of flash drives (1Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb).
Year: 2010
Version: 4.2
Developer: Kupr_Soft
Platform: DOS & WIN
System requirements: PC Compatible
Medicine: Present (where necessary)
Year: 2010
Version: 4.2
Developer: Kupr_Soft
Platform: DOS & WIN
System requirements: PC Compatible
Medicine: Present (where necessary)
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